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How to use SOS and VA SOS fact sheet templates
How to use SOS and VA SOS fact sheet templates
Samantha Briggs avatar
Written by Samantha Briggs
Updated over a month ago

How to use the fact sheet template

The Save Our Streams fact sheets provide basic information for public education, as well as space for you to add your own custom text. Please note that the pre-written text is not editable. If you would like to create all of your own text, use the “blank” template which only includes the header and footer.

Adding text

To add your own text, open the fact sheet in Microsoft Word. Select insert, select text box, and choose the simple text box. Draw the outline of the area you’d like to enter your text. Once you’ve created the text box, you can type in your text.

Adding charts

You can add charts or graphs to your fact sheet to show changes in stream health over time. To insert a chart from your site on the Clean Water Hub, go to your site on After navigating to your monitoring site’s main page, you can take a screenshot of the chart you would like to use and insert it as an image into the fact sheet.

After screenshotting your graph, you can paste the image into the fact sheet.


If you’d like your text to match the font and formatting of the template text, you will need to match the font, size, and margins. 

Font: Segoe UI

Size: 12

Margins: Right click on the text box you created, and select format shape. Select text box from the list on the left, and change all of the “Internal margins” to 0.

If your textbox has an outline and you would like to remove it, right click on the text box and select format shape. Select line color from the list on the left, and change it to no line.

Save and print

The best way to save your fact sheet is to save it as a PDF. You can email PDFs as attachments or print them out as fliers. To save as a PDF, select file, save as, and select PDF from the drop down menu. You can’t edit a PDF once it’s saved, so be sure to keep a copy of the Word file in case you ever need to update the text.

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