A great way to share water quality findings and elevate issues that impact local water quality is with a letter to the editor.
To send a letter to the editor, navigate to the website of your chosen news publication and find the link to "Submit A Letter" (often under the "Opinions" tab). Many publications will ask you to fill out an online form including your contact information and the content of your letter. Be mindful of word/character limits - letters to the editor are typically limited to around 250 words.
Check out the Save Our Streams Letter to the Editor & Op-Ed Guide for more guidance about getting an opinion published in your local paper:
Feel free to start from a template! We've created template letters to the editor for Salt Watch and Nitrate Watch volunteers, which can be found at the links below.
Salt Watch letter to the editor templates: https://www.iwla.org/water/stream-monitoring/salt-watch/what-you-can-do
Nitrate Watch letter to the editor templates: https://www.iwla.org/water/stream-monitoring/nitrate-watch/what-you-can-do
You are encouraged to edit these templates and make them your own! Letters that are more personal and specific to your community are more likely to be published.